1.4: Professional Engagement -> Digital Continuous Professional Development (CPD) -> Expert knowledge
knows where to find different online resources and learning opportunities for different needs
knows where to find different online resources and learning opportunities for different needs
awareness of the potential of online resources for CPD
makes basic use of the internet to update his/her subject specific and pedagogical knowledge
is aware of online resources that enhance subject-specific or pedagogical knowledge
commitment to collaboratively reflect on, enhance and innovate educational policies and practices in general
continuously (collaboratively and) proactively expands and enhances his/her repertoire of digital pedagogical practices and helps others in developing their digital pedagogical competence
follows current research on innovative teaching and knows how to integrate research findings into his/her own practice
reflective approach to digital policies and practices at the organisational level, providing critical feedback
critically reflects on his/her own digital and pedagogic practice and identifies competence gaps and uses a range of resources to develop his/her individual digital and pedagogic practices through experimenting and peer-learning scenarios
knows how to find best practices, courses or other advice to improve his/her own digital and pedagogical practice
Supporting the Development and Certification of the Digital Competences of Educators – EdDiCo
Project Ref: 2019-1-DE01-KA203-005070
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.