1.4: Professional Engagement -> Digital Continuous Professional Development (CPD) -> Expert knowledge

knows where to find different online resources and learning opportunities for different needs

1.4: Professional Engagement -> Digital Continuous Professional Development (CPD) -> Explorer skills

makes basic use of the internet to update his/her subject specific and pedagogical knowledge

1.4: Professional Engagement -> Digital Continuous Professional Development (CPD) -> Explorer knowledge

is aware of online resources that enhance subject-specific or pedagogical knowledge

1.3: Professional Engagement -> Reflective Practice -> Pioneer attitudes

commitment to collaboratively reflect on, enhance and innovate educational policies and practices in general

1.3: Professional Engagement -> Reflective Practice -> Pioneer skills

continuously (collaboratively and) proactively expands and enhances his/her repertoire of digital pedagogical practices and helps others in developing their digital pedagogical competence

1.3: Professional Engagement -> Reflective Practice -> Pioneer knowledge

follows current research on innovative teaching and knows how to integrate research findings into his/her own practice

1.3: Professional Engagement -> Reflective Practice -> Expert attitudes

reflective approach to digital policies and practices at the organisational level, providing critical feedback

1.3: Professional Engagement -> Reflective Practice -> Expert skills

critically reflects on his/her own digital and pedagogic practice and identifies competence gaps and uses a range of resources to develop his/her individual digital and pedagogic practices through experimenting and peer-learning scenarios

1.3: Professional Engagement -> Reflective Practice -> Expert knowledge

knows how to find best practices, courses or other advice to improve his/her own digital and pedagogical practice