7.3: Health and Wellbeing -> Improvement of Conditions and Prevention -> Pioneer knowledge

has knowledge of possible future conditions/situations as well as available state of art options; continuously explores suitable methods for future controlling and handling of situations; knows about potential of digital technologies for monitoring and control of health

7.3: Health and Wellbeing -> Improvement of Conditions and Prevention -> Expert attitudes

explorative attitude towards new concepts and methods with regard to reduce negative health impact of digital technologies; foster own and learners’ ability to control and employ digital technologies for sake of health

7.3: Health and Wellbeing -> Improvement of Conditions and Prevention -> Expert skills

enhances awareness of the health impact of digital technologies; uses organisational, pedagogical and technological knowledge for the implementation of measures for preventing hazards and improving conditions or minimising the health impact by of digital technologies.

7.3: Health and Wellbeing -> Improvement of Conditions and Prevention -> Expert knowledge

knows how to evaluate and determine which organisational, pedagogical and technological options could minimize negative health impact by digital technologies

7.3: Health and Wellbeing -> Improvement of Conditions and Prevention -> Explorer attitudes

prepared for discussing health situation/conditions and options for prevention/improvement

7.3: Health and Wellbeing -> Improvement of Conditions and Prevention -> Explorer skills

appraises how basic options of monitoring, controlling and handling the use of digital technologies can create better conditions when using these technologies.

7.3: Health and Wellbeing -> Improvement of Conditions and Prevention -> Explorer knowledge

knows about basic options of monitoring, controlling and handling the use of digital technologies with regard to health of learners or self

7.2: Health and Wellbeing -> Interaction and Intervention -> Pioneer attitudes

supportive towards creating a positive and open minded culture of communication / interaction in the respective learning environment (including learners and educators); feeling responsibility for appropriate intervention in all areas of health related to use of digital technologies

7.2: Health and Wellbeing -> Interaction and Intervention -> Pioneer skills

systematically integrates interaction for in situ rectification of own and learners’ health condition/ situation; intervenes actively, appropriately and immediately with effective measures if evidence requires, or sensibly supports and complements third parties in their intervention for assisting learners with health issues deriving from use of digital technologies

7.2: Health and Wellbeing -> Interaction and Intervention -> Pioneer knowledge

continuously expands knowledge about strategies and methods of communication/interaction related to health impact of digital technologies; knows how to intervene personally in different situations of learners or educators with regard to health issues related to use of digital technologies