Daten- und Algorithmenethik

Ethisch korrekte Daten und Algorithmen bestimmen zunehmend über die Vertrauenswürdigkeit von KI-Anwendungen. Dieses Lernangebot bricht mit dem Mythos, dass Ethik und Moral für KI-Anwendungen universell implementiert werden können, um jegliche Formen von Diskriminierung und kognitiver Verzerrung zu vermeiden.


Episode 1: Einführung in den Kurs

Episode 2: Grundlagen der Daten- und Algorithmenethik

Episode 3: Zentrale ethische Fragen für Daten und intelligente Algorithmen

Episode 4: Ethische Prinzipien für Daten und intelligente Algorithmen

Episode 5: Verantwortung für Daten und intelligente Algorithmen

Episode 6: Ethik-Game: Interaktives Inselhopping durch die Welt der Ethik – Vertiefen der vermittelten Inhalte des gesamten Kurses

Episode 7: Zusammenfassung


Learning Designer

Ontario Extend Programme

This is a professional learning opportunity for educators to gain expertise in developing, designing and teaching online. After completing all modules, the educator can be awarded with the micro-credential “Empowered educator”

Online Safety MOOC

In a society where technology and the online world are playing an increasingly big role in people’s lives, it becomes evident that schools also need to be up to speed with the latest online trends: both in terms of the opportunities they present and the challenges they pose. Education about online safety should surely begin at home, but it is by no means the sole responsibility of parents and caretakers: teachers should also be able to provide their pupils and students with all the necessary tools to face the online world in an empowered and responsible manner. It goes without saying that industry and other stakeholders (such as government and policymakers) also have a role to play.

Apart from providing teachers with tools to tackle fake news in the classroom and beyond, this course intends to offer teachers essential knowledge, tips and tools to handle a wide range of issues such as online abuse, cyberbullying, sextortion, establishing positive online relationships, the impact of technology on health and well-being and, above all, hate speech and radicalisation. Overall, this new and updated edition of the online safety MOOC will enable participants to gain a better understanding of new and old risks and challenges that young people face when they go online. With the course moderators, they will discuss strategies for supporting young people and helping them to develop safe and responsible online and offline behaviours. A wide range of resources that can be used in schools will be provided, and participants will also be asked to share their own experiences, challenges and successes.but it is by no means the sole responsibility of parents and caretakers: teachers should also be able to provide their pupils and students with all the necessary tools to face the online world in an empowered and responsible manner. It goes without saying that industry and other stakeholders (such as government and policymakers) also have a role to play.

Trust, Time & Technology – The secrets of effective virtual communication and collaboration

What to expect from this course?

Globalisation, digitalization and the COVID-19 pandemic are steadily contributing to the rising presence of virtual work. However, virtual or remote work is inherently different than working in an office and requires a different set of skills to master, both as a remote worker or as a manager of remote team members.

This course looks at how to communicate in an engaging and motivating manner in our digital world, and how virtual collaboration and networking is enabled by connecting people and technology. We look at which competencies are required for such effective connectedness, those to build mutual trust and those to provide psychological safety across remote teams.

By combining theory and practical application, the course creators share valuable and highly applicable know-how. You will be able to progress and complete the course at your own pace, learning through problem-based videos, interactive exercises, games and expert insights. You will also learn why trust, time and technology are the secrets in a virtual world.

What can you learn in this course?

Participants of this course will be able to:

understand concepts important for virtual communication and virtual collaboration
know the components and skills needed to communicate and collaborate successfully
improve your own virtual collaboration and communication and how to overcome existing challenges
use digital tools for virtual communication and collaboration
recognise virtual communication and collaboration as vital competencies and look to share these with others
Overall, the course goal is also to make learning applicable to the business world and fun!

1er Curso TeachUP: Evaluación formativa en las aulas, ¿están mis alumnos aprendiendo?

«Evaluación formativa en las aulas, ¿están mis alumnos aprendiendo?» , en el que analizaremos qué es la evaluación formativa, por qué es importante y cómo puede aplicarse en clase. Dispondrá de ejemplos prácticos y podrá debatir e interactuar con sus compañeros, además de preparar una unidad didáctica para su uso en clase.