Peerwise – an open digital question authoring tool

Peerwise is an open digital tool that students can use to author their own multiple choice questions about course content.

Peerwise is a free tool that enables students to create and to explain their understanding of course related practice questions, and to answer and discuss questions created by their peers. They are able to add in explanations to their questions, thus deepening their own understanding of content, as well as use the emerging library of questions to self quiz on course content. Some preliminary analysis of learning outcomes and results using this in two separate courses will be shared.

The link below provides a presentation about the use of Peerwise. It gives a demonstration and explanation of its use in biochemistry and general chemistry courses. The actual Tool can be found at

Provided ByUniversity of Auckland (New Zealand)
Type of providerHE Institution
Provided atonline
Learning opportunity typeTool
Home page
Admission procedureOpen to all
Price detailsFree for educational institutions
Type of credentialNone
Contact form

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