Moodle Academy Educator learning pathway beginner

Our Educator learning pathway is for teachers and instructional designers. It takes you from your very first steps of teaching with Moodle to being prepared for entry to the Moodle Educator Certification program, where you can become certified as an expert Moodle Educator.

You can ​​mix and match courses to suit your interests, expertise and availability. Take comprehensive self-paced programs or select individual short courses. Join our live webinar events to learn more and have your questions answered by our expert presenters.

For each course you complete, you’ll earn a badge! Certificates of completion are available for a small fee when you complete a program.

If you’re new to Moodle, we suggest you begin with our Introduction to Moodle course, before working through the beginner courses.

At Beginner level your learning will focus on the practical aspects of using Moodle tools, including:

  • Creating a course appropriate to your learners.
  • Understanding the main Moodle activities, resources and blocks.
  • Assignments and other graded activities.
  • Self-graded tasks with Quiz and H5P.

Our Educator learning pathway is for teachers and instructional designers. It takes you from your very first steps of teaching with Moodle to being prepared for entry to the Moodle Educator Certification program, where you can become certified as an expert Moodle Educator.

Provided ByMoodle Academy
Type of providerPrivate provider-International initiative
Provided at
Learning opportunity typeMOOC
Home page
Admission procedureOpen to all
Type of credentialOpen Badge

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