edubadges: issuing digital certificates to students

edubadges is the digital certificates platform for the Dutch education community. edubadges enable you to award students or workers with evidence of knowledge and skills they have acquired. An edubadge is issued electronically within a secure and trusted SURF platform.

An edubadge allows students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired in a ‘portable’ format. This can make it easier to switch from study to work and also to switch between study programmes. edubadges enable you to award students or workers evidence of their achievements. An edubadge is an electronic certificate that provides detailed information on the content of the learning outcomes achieved. Students collect edubadges in their edubadges backpack and can share an edubadge with employers or other educational institutions.”

For institutions:
• manage roles and privileges within the platform
• create, edit and issue edubadges

For students/workers
• edubadges backpack in which to keep all edubadges received
• share edubadges electronically with employers or other institutions

For external parties
• verify the authenticity of edubadges

Provided BySURF
Type of providerPrivate provider-International initiative
Provided atonline
Learning opportunity typeTool
Home page
Admission procedureOpen to all
Entry requirements noteHE institution is affiliated with the edubadges platform
Price detailsfree
Type of credentialOpen Badge

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