Digital Skills E-Assessment and Open Digital Badges for Adult Education

The Digital Skills E-Assessment covers different forms of digital self-/assessment including digital evidence (such as testimonials, digital assets, e-portfolios, audience building) applied as elements of open credentials. By using this tool, both individuals and organisations will be able to assess and analyse the digital skills required for culture and heritage and will be able to identify solutions for developing those skills. We do not intend to fully develop a self-assessment tool as this would be beyond the scope of the project, but we intend to have an enhanced approach which will include different modes of assessment for digital skills and provide assessment opportunities for our cultural target groups.

“The e-assessment tool will be produced using agile development methods and user centred-design, by the direct involvement of end-users represented in the project by the cultural associations.  Based on the design brief, from O1, a simple mock-up of the e-assessment tool will be produced and tested with cultural stakeholders. The tool will be peer reviewed within the partnership before final adaptations and validation, and then integration in O2 VLH.

The milestones are:

O4.1.1: Design of the e-assessment tool. Test and validate.

O4.1.2: Produce content for the tool

O4.1.3: Technical development of the tool

O4.1.4: Integration of the tool in VLH

O4.1.5: Peer review and validation of the
e-assessment tool

Based on the conceptual guidelines from O1, the structural framework of the 21 digital competencies as defined in DigComp 2.0, Open Badges will be designed following the design thinking approach which will be used to consider issues and resolve current problems around creating credentials for digital skills in the specific target group of the cultural and heritage sector. A number of design tools such as Badge Design Canvas and Visual Design Templates will be used to support the design process. Open Badges will be integrated into the VLH in O2. The resulting Open Badges will include a digital secure code which can be linked and included in existing online professional networks or into the stakeholders organisation or personal site or blog.

The milestones are:

O4.2.1: Definition and design of the open badges for digital skills

O4.2.2: Set of Open Badges for Digital Skills

O4.2.3: User-Testing and report”

Provided ByDigiCulture
Type of providerEuropean project
Provided atonline
Learning opportunity typeOER
Home page
Admission procedureOpen to all
Price detailsFree
Type of credentialOpen Badge
Contact form" Facebook - /CultureDigi Twitter - @CultureDigi"

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