Chapter 4. From Metrics to Analytics, Reporting to Action: Analytics’ Role in Changing the Learning Environment

institutions will be required to transition from metrics to analytics and from reporting to actionable interventions. in this next generation of the learning environment, analytics will play a role in higher education. But leading the institution from metrics to analytics and reporting to action will require a significant institutional shift.

Higher education has access to more data than ever before. technological tools and resources are strengthening the institutional capacity to access data to improve decision making. Smarter tools that are leading to adaptive learning and personalized opportunities will soon be a reality. In fact, analytics on institutional data will prove key to transforming student retention, graduation, and success. Atuthors reflect on Emergence of Analytics, Building Analytics Capacity and a Leading Change Role that Analytics has.

Reading and Critical Thinking

Provided ByLinda Baer and John Campbell
Type of providerPrivate provider-International initiative
Provided atonline
Learning opportunity typeOER
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Admission procedureOpen to all
Price detailsFree
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