A Model of Online Collaborative Project-Based Learning (OCPBL) within a Digital Competence Course in Higher Education

Digital technologies are essential drivers of innovation, growth and job creation in a global economy (European Commission, 2014), there is a Gap between the social need to be updated in the use of these technologies and the training citizens receive to use them in a critical, collaborative and creative way. In that sense, digital competence is becoming a must for employability and active citizenship.

Provided ByMontse Guitert, Teresa Romeu, Marc Romero via eden-online.org
Type of providerCorporation
Provided atonline
Learning opportunity typeOER
Home pagehttps://www.eden-online.org/proc-2485/index.php/PROC/article/view/1591
Admission procedureOpen to all
Entry requirements notenone
Type of credentialNone
Contact formsecretariat@eden-online.org

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